Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Googly Eyed


I have written a protest play for gay rights. The play tells the story of three aliens who land in brother and sister Jojo and Lisbeth's bedroom. Jojo and Spek, an eccentric alien fall in love. The play revolves around the complications of a gay relationship on earth and ways in which we can solve these complications.

I have enjoyed directing this play and I am happy with the progress I have made. I enjoy working with my actors and directing them. 

A Extract
"Lisbeth: Wait, are you telling me that on your planet Pinkie, there is no such thing as... The ‘P’ word...

Boo: (Very confused now) The ‘P’ word? Now my dear, have you gone quite cuckoo, I’ve never heard of the... (Stops suddenly, thinks) The ‘P’ word you say... Yes it is all coming back to me. Oh Spiff what is the class we used to take you know the one with all that old stuff...

Spiff: Ah, that would be Ancient History dear Boo.

Boo: Yes that’s the one! Ancient History, that’s when we learnt about the ‘P’ word it stands for... Oh what is it now, P...P...

Spiff: Pre-historic?

Boo: No, no its...P...Pre...Pred.... Prejudice! But, how can that word even still exist? Its so last millennium. It’s not even in our vocabulary, It’s simply barbaric that it still exists here!

Lisbeth: Yeah well, F.Y.I. here on Earth people are happier seeing two men holding guns then two men holding hands."

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